The most important work by Burkhard Heim, his „Syntrometric Telecentric of Maximes“, has not been published until now. Parts of this manuscript I already saw in one of his labotatory rooms in Northeim (near Goettingen) when I was doing research on the photophoresis phenomenon during my semester vacations in 1958. When I asked Heim about the meaning of that title he explained to me that the manuscript is about a unified world view which not only includes quantitative physical revelations but also qualitative organic valuations of events in a so called „syntrometry“. The dynamic of physical and psychical events and live-processes are always adjusted to organizational targets, so called „telecenters“. Like motions of objects in space along geodesics they follow along extremales of expedient ideas in an entelechialy steered world – so-called „maximes“.

Only in 1976 did I see Heim’s work again. However the papers were bound into two thick hardcover books in A4 format, filled with hundreds of typed pages of text and with new formula-signs written in ink, which Mrs. Heim had inserted. On the occasion of a seminar in our company MBB (now AIRBUS) in Ottobrunn near Munich, which I arranged for our management, Heim presented these two books to the professors Pascual Jordan (University of Hamburg), Gerhard Lyra (University of Goettingen) and Heinrich Hora (University of Munich).

The physicists however were more interested in Heim’s phenomenological unified field theory and in his derivation of a unified mass-formula since from this concrete experiments can be derived.

Therefore, Heim first published his books „Elementarstrukturen der Materie“ (Elementary Structures of Matter), Vol. I: 1980/1989, Vol. II: 1983 and in 1996 in cooperation with Walter Droescher: „Strukturen der physikalischen Welt und ihrer nichtmateriellen Seite“ (Structures of the physical world and their non-material aspect). In 1980 Heim commanded a view of the „syntrometry“ in his book on „Postmortale Zustände?“ (Postmortem States?). (Subsequently SIEMENS director Dr. Selig asked me why Heim had to write a book just with „such a horrible title“? The sub-title “Die televariante Area integraler Weltstrukturen“ (The televariante area of integral world structures) could not help to save scientificity. Since in those days a physicist was not allowed to write about consciousness- and postmortem-states without having to fear serious consequences for his reputation as a scientist.

With the “syntrometry“, which is a generalized aspect-related logic, Heim tries to solve the ancient philosophical Body-Mind-Problem.

On the occasion of his death in 2001 neither a publication of the two volumes „Syntrometrische Maximentelezentrik“ took place nor did the theory of psychical processes receive any attention. It remains to be left for other generations of logicians and physicists to explore the deepness and range of Heim’s ideas.

The text about his formal logic is at least just as difficult to read as the one by Gottlob Frege („Grundgesetze der Arithmetik“, 1883-1903). Several physicists have already read the manuscripts about the syntrometry. The basic ideas on the syntrometry, partly in Heim’s own words, can be found explained in my book „Das neue Weltbild des Physikers Burkhard Heim,“ (2006/2013, Grünwald: Komplett-Media) and in the English version of that book in chapters 10.3 to 10.5. For better understanding, several basic definitions of the hirarchical term structure of this logical system are illustrated by help of sketches drawn according to Heim’s instructions.

Before the present publication a logician and PhD student of mathematics in Cambridge had planned to provide Heim’s text with footnotes which should contain respective references to similar modern works by logicians (for instance the Theory of Categories, the Entity-Relationship-Model from the basic theory of databank systems etc.). However, after our group had waited for some years, the logician gave up his cooperation for lack of time.

We soon gave up the idea to publish a shorter, limited version first. Nevertheless, we expected to attract the kind of international attention which Heim deserves by providing an English version. A member oft the Heim-research-group, who has been living in New York for some years, tried to translate the text in the past. However, it soon became obvious that he did not understand the meaning of many passages, so he had to stop the translation. According to the editor of Heim’s books, Prof. DDr. Andreas Resch in Innsbruck, Austria, a Spanish man, who tried to translate Heim‘s texts into his mother tongue, made the same experience. We hope that in the near future a publisher will be found who can enable a professional translation of this text into English.

We have now decided to publish the „Syntrometric Telecentric of Maximes“ by Burkhard Heim unabridged in the original German version on the internet.

Mr. Stefan Klemenz from Augsburg converted the typewritten version free of charge into a readable and publishable version and at the same time generated new formula signs, which so far did not exist as recognizable formular symbols for mathematics programs on computers. He’s presently working on a third volume.

Illobrand von Ludwiger, June 20, 2017